What are slugs?

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  3. What are slugs?

A slug, also sometimes referred as url path, is the part of a web url that defines the target of a page and is human-readable.

Let's take https://example.com/this-is-the-slug-of-this-page as an example.

The slug in this case is this-is-the-slug-of-this-page. Your web url could also have other paths such as https://example.com/2022/11/this-is-the-slug. In this case, the slug remains the last part of your url.

Slugs are usually auto-generated based on the title of your page or article. And as with all web urls, they should (and usually are) be entirely lowercase and not contain spaces. Spaces are usually replaced by a hyphen or underscore. Punctuation marks are generally removed.

An auto-generated slug based on the title "This is MY! page TitLe" will be this-is-my-page-title.

Using custom slugs with hyperlynk

Our auto-generated slugs consist of 8 random characters. To use a custom slug for any of your links, you will need to have a "Pro" account and a custom domain attached. Each slug can only be used once within your account / for your domain.

If you decide to change the slug of a link that you already shared, this link won't be accessible anymore. We do not create redirects automatically.

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